The day has almost arrived. Day 0. Farewells and Green Pedals

Posted: September 12, 2014 in Cycling

First it’s a year. Then it’s months. Then days. And then the emotional rollercoaster ride really starts. You say goodbye to friends, one after the other over a period of a couple of weeks. You go to familiar places for the last time – constantly. And random emotion wells up. While running along the canal in Eindhoven yesterday, I thought of my mother. She died of cancer 9 years ago, but she is still here with me. I squeeze her hand, and she smiles back.

My colleagues at work gave me a lovely farewell. I now have a video of them and where we worked, for when I feel lonely, a long way from home. My close friends have been with me a lot in the last weeks. Tomorrow will be my last day with them. My father and family in Australia are there, supporting me on my trip back home. I love them.

This morning I woke up in a new life. And it is amazing! I was at the Green Pedals kick-off at the Willemspark school in Den Haag. It’s like seeing kids at Christmas – running around – looking at my tent, my bike, and my stuff – my only possessions for the coming 2 years. I look at their excitement and curiosity – how they are open to experiencing a world that is magic. And they know and want to live in a sustainable society. They will inherit the planet, and it will all be OK.

Tomorrow morning I will leave Eindhoven. I’m already unemployed. Tomorrow I will be without a humble abode. I’ll be ‘op de fiets’ – cycling. I have a lump in my throat. It’s really happening – now.

Farewell at Philips

Farewell at Philips

  1. Doug Fannon says:

    Best of luck on your journey!

  2. Paul Montgomery says:

    Well done and all best wishes! Paul xx

  3. Justin says:

    Just enjoy and remember that traveling comes with ups and downs, but at the end only the ups matter and the downs fade away…..

    Best of luck, Justin (I looped Australia on a bike in 2005/2006)

  4. Michael says:

    Good Luck!

  5. Nicolette says:

    hi Matthew, so this is the day! i admire your courage and sense of adventure. Have a great journey!!

  6. Nicolette says:

    hi Matthew,
    so this is the day!
    i admire your courage and sense of adventure. Have a great journey!!

    the automatic blog reply tells me i already said that..

  7. Make it happen Matthew! wonderful world, wonderful journey !

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