Green Pedals

Posted: August 18, 2014 in Cycling
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arctic-cyler will cycle for Green Pedals – cycling for sustainable schools

The children are our future, and they inherit the world that we leave them. I want to leave them a habitable world, where each can lead a healthy and satisfying life. This is only possible if we treat the world as our home, look after it, and use its resources in a sustainable way.

Green Pedals (also on Facebook) is a movement to promote the topics of sustainability and health in our schools around the world. It aims to maintain a dialogue on sustainability, organise activities to encourage engagement in the environment and health, and work with schools to build sustainable infrastructure that exemplifies sustainability, stimulating engagement and ownership of this topic in local communities.

In September 2014 I will leave my job of 16 years, and my home of 21 years, and cycle 36000km from Eindhoven in the Netherlands to Adelaide, Australia where I was born. On my way I will meet people, I will observe, and I will write. What are the sustainability issues people face across my path, and how do they deal with them? Who are the people? What are their stories? I will also try to raise money for Green Pedals to promote this dialogue, and use to realise sustainable infrastructure in selected schools on my route.

  1. T. Caine says:

    That sounds amazing–a once in a lifetime trip for such a great cause. I hope you’ll be reporting along the route as you go for all of the things that you find. I can only imagine how the idea of sustainability differs from one country, one village, one home to the next in that part of the world (and in countries that are inherently so much more sustainable than places like the U.S.). Best of luck!

  2. jovialspoon says:

    Sustainable living is one of our most important issues, and cycling can make a huge contribution. You will be setting a great example for everyone you meet on your trip, and for the readers of your blog. Well done.

  3. deltathecat says:

    Matthew, this is looking like a very good idea. There is so much to be learned about sustainability, and it is so often a cultural issue.

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